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15015 Jamestown Boulevard, Suite 100, Baton Rouge, LA 70810. 

Advisors of Horizon are Registered Representatives of Cetera Advisors LLC, a broker/dealer and Registered Investment Adviser.

Oct 25, 2017

More With The Scorecard



In this episode, the Bush brothers, Bill and Pete of Horizon Financial Group, talk about three important categories on the Confident Wealth Scorecard: tax efficiency, business continuity and estate planning. Tax efficiency is a year round process that needs professional intervention....

Oct 10, 2017

Keeping Score



In this episode, the Bush brothers, Bill and Pete of Horizon Financial Group, list and explain the 8 categories of their Confident Wealth Scorecard. Filling in this scorecard helps an individual outline their personal and financial vision for the future. Oftentimes, business owners compare their...